
In a dimly lit room, a woman with bare feet sleeps on a chair. The woman's head was slanted and hung to the side, her long golden hair covered her entire face, and her hands and feet were fixed to the handle of the chair and the concrete floor.

The room is not significant, with a table and three chairs in front and back. The lights on the roof are dim, and the walls are gray and black, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

A man and a woman in uniform pushed through the door, and they came to the woman. Among them, the woman in uniform pulled down the collar on the back of the sleeping woman's neck, glanced at it, and then scanned the device in her hand that looked like a mobile phone on her finger before shaking her head at the man beside her. Seeing this, the man lowered his head and recorded something in the notebook in his hand. Then, the two walked towards the door.

At this moment, the woman on the chair seemed to wake up, and she murmured, "Let me go, let me go."

The two who walked to the door heard the voice and turned to look at the woman, their hair was thrown to one side, and the woman's face was seen. It is Jenny.

The shriveled woman glanced at the mirror built into the wall in front of Jenny and then returned to Jenny with her partner.

Jenny frantically pulled her locked hands, shook them hard on the chair, and shouted to the two of them to let her go and let her go.

"A device to change the magnetic field is installed around this interrogation room; that is, all kinds of races in all outer galaxies will lose their original abilities here, no matter how powerful you were." The man standing with a pair of gold wires The eyes said coldly to Jenny.

"We have already confirmed that you are not from our company, and we also did not find out about your fingerprints in the immigration registration. So please tell me which galaxy you are from, and what is the purpose of this time? Otherwise, we will use illegal Smuggling will convict and deport you." The woman sat down in front of Jenny.

"You don't have the right to talk to me," Jenny responded coldly, looking at the thin-faced and mean-spirited woman in front of her.

"You'd better cooperate with me if you don't want me to take you to the places that make you die," the woman said with her hands on the table and her upper body leaning out, approaching Jenny's face with fierce eyes, and then she sat back in her seat. "Come on, tell me your identity and the purpose of coming to Earth this time."

"I am Queen Jenny of the Blue Moon Star, and my son Charlie is the royal family of Harvey's galaxy and the only future heir." Jenny's words were sonorous and powerful, revealing the style of a king.

Hearing Jenny's words, the condescending expressions on the two of them softened slightly, and the indomitable tone of voice was much calmer, but they still had a severe face as if to reject everything in the world. "However, we have never been notified of an alien visit."

"That's because it's urgent, someone is going to kill him, and I have to get him out before they do."

"But why kill his adoptive parents?"

"They've been bribed, and I have to."

"What evidence do you have?" The woman saw that Jenny was speechless and continued, "How do you explain the two Hassas killed in the parking lot?"

"They're all professional killers!"

Jenny looked around and noticed the mirror built into the wall before her eyes. She turned her gaze back to the woman's face and said, "Let go of me and let me go! Otherwise, I can kill you all with a single word!"

"I'm afraid not now." The woman said lightly, but she could see that she was a little embarrassed.

The indicator light of the woman's earphones came on, and for a moment, she got up from the chair as if she had suddenly received some instruction, ending the topic without warning. The assistant next to her immediately stood up and followed behind her, and the two pushed open the door and left.

The two walked into an inspection room next to Jenny's room. The huge mirror in front of Jenny is one-way transparent glass.

Three people in the room who were slightly older and dressed in different uniforms from the others stood in front of the glass, another stood in front of the monitor by the door, and the other stood beside the man with a suitcase in his arms. The sound of Jenny struggling and shouting next door could be heard from the speakers hanging on both sides of the roof.

A tall and tough-faced black leader turned off the sound monitor button on the table and then turned his attention to the two who entered the door.

The woman said, "It's certain; it's not ours."

The black leader nodded lightly, hummed, and turned his gaze to the man in front of the screen to signal that he could continue. The man introduced several events related to Jenny. While playing it manually, he told about the killing of two aliens in the parking lot and the killing of Charlie's parents, including the fight scene at Jack's house, from the aspects of time, place, number of deaths, details, and doubts. It's all Jenny's doing. It also provided video footage of Jenny's killing in the parking lot and photos of Charlie's family's parents killed and casualties in the fight in front of Jack's house. And several sets of images were collected through special channels about the aircraft left in the forest when Jenny landed on Earth.

"Have the two aliens killed been identified?" the black leader asked.

"The corpses are so badly damaged that they can no longer be identified." The man in front of the screen quickly found pictures of the bodies of the two victims on the net.

After the man finished speaking all the content of the broadcast, he stepped aside, and immediately, the young woman with the broken box placed it on the long table. She took out a long whip from the large open compartment, a storage belt with knives, and a multifunction wrist operator.

The woman claimed all Jenny's belongings, but nothing else could be identified.

After several leaders whispered a few words in the audience, the tall black leader said to the woman who had written Jenny earlier, "Go and make her a cosmic identification."

After the woman responded, she and her colleague, the man with gold-rimmed glasses, brought the equipment and went to Jenny's room.

At this moment, the man with gold-rimmed glasses pushed the door back, wearing a black circular device on his wrist. After some operations, a message window popped up in the air after blue light scanned Jenny's eyes. However, there is no information about her identity as the hostess of the blue moon planet, no information about her relationship with Charlie, no ties with Taras, or even any information on Earth in the report projected in the air by the device. There is no information about her.

This is also an extremely abnormal phenomenon because anyone can inquire about their information in any cosmic union empire, including colonized planets like Earth. So, this situation is something the two have never seen before.

"It's impossible." Jenny looked at the unexplainable things in front of her.

Seeing this, the man with the gold-rimmed glasses probably doubted whether he was doing it wrong, but the second test also yielded the same result.

"Tested. There is no problem with the device," the man said.

The woman tried to explain to Jenny the phenomenon she couldn't understand, saying that she couldn't identify her identity and maybe there was a problem, so she could only wait here. At this time, her earphones turned on, and the woman swallowed what she wanted to say before she said it - presumably received a new order again. Then, they got up and walked straight to the door, with the man following.

"Hey, call your boss! Call your boss!" Jenny shouted to the two, who got up and left.

When the woman came to the listening room again, she caught up with the others pushing the door and walking out, but the tall black officer never moved. Standing in front of the table, he looked at the long whip inlaid with eight kyanite power stones in his hand, and his love was beyond words.

When the black officer saw the woman standing at the door, he put down the whip in his hand.

After the two entered the door, they closed the door, and the woman took a few steps forward. "Sir, it's too rare that we can't find any information on her."

The black officer thought for a moment and said, "Two reasons, one, she is from outside the United Universe Empire, and two, someone deleted her identity information."

"Sir, I don't think she can be trusted. She may be a fugitive who clears personal criminal information or a spy from an alien galaxy who infiltrated us."

"Okay, put the information on the table; you can go to work."

The woman whispered to the officer in front of her,

"However, sir, there are many doubts about this woman's words, and according to the current situation, she should be transferred from the interrogation room to the prison room, so my suggestion is, should she be sent to..."

The black officer frowned, his face showed displeasure, and his tone suddenly became sharp. "I know you want to climb up, but you must know your level. Remember, you can only speak when I ask you to speak at MIX, and don't say what you shouldn't say."

"Yes, sir." The woman suddenly knew that she had just made a big mistake in her words, so she made an excuse to leave.

Before leaving, the woman glanced at the long whip on the table. The structure of this silvery-long whip is exceptionally delicate, and the kyanite power stone placed in each section glows with a faint blue light under the reflection of the morning.

"Kyanite power stone, one is hard to find; she has nine." The black officer said as he walked towards the glass window. The woman stopped, looked at the man, and went out the door thoughtfully. The man stood in front of the glass window, looking at Jenny, and Jenny seemed to be looking at him at the moment.

The man seemed to think of something; he walked to the desk on the side of the big screen, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

Now and then, the phone goes through. In a respectful tone, he briefly described the events related to Jenny that happened in the past two days, as well as the problems that occurred during the identification. He explained that Jenny asked to meet the top leaders here.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."


The black Lincoln car drove on the bustling streets of Gotham City. The car passed through the Knights Statue Square, passed Peter's Church, and stopped at an office building behind it, bypassing the city government office building. The exterior of the building is inlaid with luminous characters, MIX Biotechnology. Although it was late at night, many windows in the building were still lit.

McGee and Carlo entered the building together.

The security guard at the door was different from the usual smiling greetings but bowed 90 degrees to the two of them. Several people passed through the fragrant, bright, and technologically-sense hall. Occasionally, passers-by who got off work stopped to salute a group of people, to be precise, Mackey. The tall black leader in front of the elevator waited here with the two people who identified Jenny. The three of them looked like they had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw McKee and his party, they showed a business smile. The three of them bowed shallowly, led by the black leader, and then guided into the elevator.

The elevator door was closed, and the black leader pressed his palm against the wall behind the elevator. At this time, the elevator and his palm gave off a blue scanning light, and suddenly two doors were opened behind the elevator.

Behind the door is a corridor that is 30 meters long and 15 meters wide. The walls around it are lit with white lights and dark lights. After an extended group of people enters in sequence, the elevator door behind them automatically closes. At the end of the corridor are three elevators. These three elevators are taken according to their rank. McKee takes the golden elevator as a nobleman representing the royal family and nobility in the middle. The black man and several subordinates are dispatched personnel from Hassas working on Earth and take the silver elevator on the left. Although Carlo has transformed, he still belongs to the Earth strictly, and he rides the copper-colored elevator representing the lower biological group.

After the elevator sank a few floors, everyone entered a wide-open office area. No one could have imagined that this prominent place was located under the city government building.

McGee instructed that except for the escort of the leader of Carlo, everyone else can go to work on their own, and they will naturally be called when needed. After the arrangement, the two walked through the office area to the end and came to the standard listening room.

"You stay here and don't let anyone disturb me. Understand."

McGee chose to meet Jenny alone while Carlo waited in the listening room.

McKee pushed open the door and walked into the room, and Jenny immediately saw this fat man with a bald head. McGee sat down slowly in front of him, the chair contrasting with his broad back, like an adult sitting in a children's chair.

"Are you the boss here?" Jenny looked at the man in front of her coldly.

"Hello, I'm the head here, McKee, a member of Harveys's first-class Noble McKee family."

"I think they already told you who I am."

"If you wish, I want to hear you tell me the whole story again in person."

"I want you to get in touch with Lan Yuexing for me to confirm my identity."

"Blue Moon does not belong to the Harveys galaxy, nor is it our colony star; according to the process, I think I need to report to the superior. And this will take time. You know I want to help you, but if you don't tell me what happened. I can't help you." With that, McGee lit his pipe.

After thinking for a moment, Jenny recounted her identity, how she came to Earth, and how she rescued her son from beginning to end.

"Look, I'd love to believe what you're saying. However, I think someone has deleted your cosmic identity information, so we can't programmatically verify your real information. Still, I think I can do something for you. Yes. After all, if what you say is true, your son will be the sole ruler of the Harveys system in the not-too-distant future."

McGee folded his shoulders thoughtfully, "So, you think that the despicable traitor Gangdise should be the one who wanted to kill your son Charlie?"

"It's just my guess. After all, it's unbelievable that he paid a lot of money to hire killers to travel to Earth trillions of light-years away."

"Whether they are the ones chasing Charlie, what is certain is that these people will not stop there."

McKee continued in a severe tone, "Queen, I want to say that if your son wants to reach Harvey's safely, it is not enough on his own; you know what he will encounter along the way. We must use our station on Earth and the Guard and the Interstellar Guards sent by Harveys."

Jenny fell into contemplation, frowned, and looked embarrassed.

McGee leaned forward, his face full of sincerity, and his eyes were warm, "So, if you believe me, please tell me where to meet."

After Jenny had been silent for a long time, McKee leaned against the back of the chair and spread out his hands, "Okay." He stood up and said to the mirror in front of Jenny, "Let Neil arrange for the Queen with Blue Moon to go to a more comfortable place. place." Then turned to look at Jenny again, "I think this is the only thing I can do for you."

From time to time, the tall black man led Neil and walked through the door with his subordinate, the emaciated woman who had identified Jenny earlier.

"Neil, since things haven't been confirmed, I don't think keeping people locked up is appropriate."

Before Neil was recommended by Frain to come to MIX Biotechnology, McKee was the general manager of the project. He took care of the big and small affairs from top to bottom. After Neil arrived, McKee handed over most of the work, and it was given to Neil. Although McGee spent more time on other MIX projects, there was a difference between actively surrendering rights and passively surrendering them. For this reason, McGee was always angry. Since then, he has had very few branches here. Going to the company for a meeting late at night and taking the initiative to request a woman has never happened before.

Because of this, Neil is keenly aware that things seem to be a bit complicated, and according to the process and the evidence, Jenny must be strictly guarded in this particular room. Therefore, he couldn't help guessing that the boss was interested in selling the other party's favor.

"Boss, I'm afraid this is not in line with the process, according to the regulations we need..."

McGee's eyes had a sly look, but they disappeared quickly. He raised his hand, interrupting Neil's unfinished words. His face was gloomy, and his eyes were fierce. "Neil, your boss isn't Frain; it's me here."

"Yes. I understand, boss." He gave the woman beside him a wink, and the woman immediately understood what he meant, and quickly came to Jenny's side to untangle her hands and feet.

Jenny followed the woman to the door in the eyes of others. But before she could reach the door, she stopped.

Jenny turned her head and walked in front of McKee, and then whispered in McGee's ear, "The address is..." Her eyes were full of anticipation and sustenance.

McGee looked at Jenny with determined eyes and nodded vigorously.

McKee walked out of the interrogation room with light steps and in a happy mood. Neil and Carlo crossed the office area and waited in front of the elevator. The elevator lights are beating layer by layer. At this moment, a gunshot rang out, and Neil fell to the ground. I saw his eyes slightly open, a bullet passed through his eyebrows, and blood was constantly pouring out.

McGee put the gun back in his pocket and stepped into the elevator.

The two came to the promenade again, with McGee walking in front and Carlo behind.

"I don't like people who are too smart."

"I thought you thought he was sent by the big boss."

"That's just one aspect. It's hazardous to be guessed by a guy who's not your own."

The elevator went up slowly, and McGee took out his pipe, put it in his mouth, and lit it. He took a sip and suddenly said,

"By the way, bring poisonous scorpions and lions to the address I sent you tomorrow; bring more people, and this time you must kill them."

"Yes, boss."

The door opened, and then the two walked out of the elevator. McGee continued to say to Carlo, "The branch here will be handed over to you."

The two walked across the hall to the door of the office building.

In a gorgeous study room with retro tones, McKee in pajamas leaned against the wall of books, reached out, and picked up the wine glass beside him after breathing out a smoke ring. The wine glass holds a glass of blue translucent liquid-stock solution. He drank it and closed his eyes tightly, feeling the liquid slipping through his throat and entering his body, feeling the bursts of pleasure coming from his body.

At this moment, the phone-shaped screen next to the computer, consisting of a piece of transparent material and a black border at the end, lights up and makes a beeping sound. McGee noticed and plugged it into a black box on the desk.

One side of the device immediately projected a three-dimensional figure about two meters away. The man in front of him was about thirty years old, wearing a black robe, with a slender body and pale complexion. His brownish-yellow curly hair was neatly combed back to his shoulders.

McGee rudely kicked away the woman kneeling at the table. The woman quickly got up and walked outside the house.

"Looks like I'm interrupting your work."

McGee straightened his pants, stood up, and smiled. "I think you'll never know what living in this fucking place is like. Eat that damn beef, and chicken, and dress up like a stupid human every day, Shit!"

"Mckey, I'm not here to hear you complain about life to me. I gave you information and a way to make money, and your people screwed up what I told you! So, what I'm going to tell you is Yes, next, I will consider hiring a "hound" to solve this trouble."

"No, Gandise, you don't need to do this at all, and everyone will be in trouble. I admit that there were some emergencies at the time, but now Jenny, the future Queen of Harveys, is in my hands, And we already know that kid's address and response time." McKee walked over to Gangdise and looked at him in an unyielding tone.

"Don't worry, killing him is not difficult, and he's just a high school student." McGee turned and walked towards the pipe on his desk.

"I want to remind you that he has our family's blood on him. If the energy in his body is activated, you are like a group of ants that can trample to death."

"I'll take care of this for you, but I'm going to increase the price." McGee leaned against the table for a puff, then added, "Don't get me wrong, our business is still the same. But I need some support from you, exactly. Say it helps."

"Money, the original liquid that makes life immortal, you have it. What you want is power."

"That's right, Gandhi's. After your troubles are taken care of by me, you are the rightful heir to Harveys, and it would be futile for them to overthrow it. I want to be you, the law enforcer by the legislator. I want you to Raise me from noble to prince."

"Mckey, you are such a scary and interesting guy." Gandee smiled coldly and, behind the slightly surprised expression, seemed to say that they expected everything.

"make a deal."

"make a deal."

Gangdise held up the wine glass with the original liquid in his hand, McGee also raised it with a smile, and the two complimented each other and drank it.