Tossing and turning 1

The silver moon sprinkled all over the lake, the breeze blew the groves by the lake, and the shadows of the trees on the ground swayed gently. The villa by the lake looked even paler compared to the surrounding clouds. The estate at night is undoubtedly cold and without temperature, and the tiny attic lit by candles has become the only place that can radiate a trace of warmth.

"I understand what you're saying, but I'm just a high school student, and I can't even fight and am not good at many things. What can I change if I go?"

"Yes, there are long queues for those who want to kill him. I dare to say that his feet have been killed by that Gangdise hundreds of times before his feet are waiting for Harvey's." Jack felt this. Undoubtedly, he was going to die with a face of unwillingness.

"I will keep him safe."

"Okay, then tell me about your plan." Jack was a little excited and couldn't help standing up.

Godot said that in the early morning of tomorrow, he would send a signal through the device in his hand around the appointed time. At that time, the Blue Moon Guard spacecraft, hidden in outer space the earth will secretly descend over them according to the signal received and then pick them up. , you will be by your side the whole time.

"What kind of bullshit plan is this? You've already said it!"

Godot took out a small bottle from the device on his waist, and the machine emitted a faint white light, which made it easy for the two people on the opposite side to see that the liquid in the bottle was light blue. Jack recognized the bottle in her hand that seemed to be the same thing Jenny had taken out before rushing out of her house. She explained that this thing, called stock solution, was the most expensive resource in the universe and that this vial was worth the equivalent of a small warship. It mainly produces the three significant galaxies of the United Empire with the universe, and Harvey's is one of the largest producers. It has two magical effects; one is that it can double the individual's energy within a certain period after taking it. But there is one condition, it must be of alien blood to be effective.

"So, is it useless to us earthlings?"

"Can't fully understand it? It is said to have a feasible function for all organisms."

"What is that?"

"Eternal life."

Jack's and Charlie's faces were full of surprise, and Charlie was even more shocked and couldn't close his mouth, unable to believe that such a thing existed in the world.

Gadot's follow-up remarks made Charlie a little terrified. According to her explanation, every person with alien blood has some abilities beyond the cognition of earth people, such as jumping, strength, speed, perception ability, etc. What's more, she has the bloodline of the Hassan star royal family. According to his current age, his strength is entirely at the level of crushing many aliens. When she just licked Charlie's blood, she sensed that there was suppression in his blood. The ability of the drug in the body. Therefore, it can be inferred that Charlie's parents must have mixed the medication with food on weekdays for long-term use.

When talking about the topic of his former parents, Charlie couldn't help but fall into painful memories again. His life for more than ten years turned out to be a massive scam, and it was just a flash that made him feel like a knife.

Seeing his ugly face and highly frustrated, Jack walked up to him, put his hand on his shoulder, and patted it twice, he wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

At this time, Gadot handed Charlie the bottle containing the blue liquid.

"Drink it and become your true self."

Charlie looked at the stock solution in Gadot's hand and slowly extended his hand. But then, he hesitated again.

He was fascinated by those mysterious and unknown powers and was curious about what he would become after drinking the little blue potion. But at the same time, as Jack said, he was afraid that he didn't know what awaited him after the so-called interstellar journey. Things will not be so simple and harmonious; let yourself go to the peak of life and become a king under one person and above ten thousand people. You know how much you have. He was likely killed by someone skilled in his skills and vying for power before his feet could land on the ground.

Compared with these unknowns, I still miss studying at school even more, although I am still bullied by Pierre and these guys, mocked by Neeko, and pointed behind by other classmates in the school, I still choose to admit it as always. However, this kind of self also hates it, especially in the two days I was running away with Jack. He remembered the first time he shot a gun, the first time he felt like a man, and how Jack taught him to shoot and fight, making him feel great.

His hand in the air continued to reach for the stock solution in Gadot's hand.

"Wait, Charlie." Jack stopped him, "Are you sure? Have you figured it out? My job is to send you here to meet the person who picked you up, and now you're here. If you want to go back. .. I mean, the choice is yours."

Charlie's eyes stared straight into the distance; his face was expressionless, as if he had utterly entered his world. The three of them didn't say a word, and the air was tranquil as if they were waiting for a significant historical moment.

"No, Jack, Charlie's words are sonorous and powerful." After saying, "I have no principles," he picked up the original liquid in Gadot's hand and drank it.

He dropped the empty bottle on the ground and wiped his mouth. Looked up at Jack. "They will come to kill me; I can't escape." And after hearing these words, Jack was also in a complicated mood and looked embarrassed.

"We Lan Yuexing have a proverb: Avoiding is the same as committing suicide, and it is possible to fight back if you face it."

Charlie looked at Gadot and forced a smile.

Then Gadot cut his wrist with a short knife and handed the blood-dripping arm to Charlie.

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked in confusion.

"Drink the blood of the same kind to activate your repressed bloodline."

"Isn't that the one just now?"

"I'm just saying that's what a Hassass royal should look like."


Charlie put a little blood on his finger and put it in his mouth. Gadot looked at him, shook his head, and then pressed his entire wrist tightly to his mouth. Charlie was caught off guard and felt a strange-smelling liquid flow into his mouth. From resisting to taking it slowly, he thought the taste in his mouth had turned the black hole in front of him into a world.

There are people dressed like Gadot everywhere, and their faces are filled with happiness, flowers, grass, sea breeze, beach, rocks, and soil, and vast plains, blue and purple sky; so wonderful.

Gadot withdrew his arm, Charlie was suddenly lost, and golden light flashed in his eyes.

"What's this? It's wonderful?" Charlie described to them the vision he had just seen.

"You can see my world. I've never heard of such a thing."

Charlie got up and stood in the middle of the room, moving his hands and feet back and forth, jumping a few times, and found that he was not much higher than the previous jump. He walked to the table again, grabbed a corner of it, and lifted it, trying to exert all his strength, but found that the table was only slightly off the ground.

"Why hasn't it changed?" Charlie asked Gadot, who was beside him.

"Not so fast."

"How long will it take then?"

"This, there is no specific time. Some people a few hours, a few days, a few months, and a few months."

"What?!" Another misunderstanding made Charlie a little embarrassed, and he felt that he was about to play a hooligan but was seen and exposed at a glance. He can only show his limbs relaxed and his face indifferent.

Jack smiled and shook his head, then said to Gadot, "Okay, you can sleep here, rest early. Charlie and I go downstairs to the room." Then he called Charlie to come downstairs with him, and Charlie also felt that the time was too late. It was getting late, and Xiao, who was sensible, followed behind.

"No, I have to be with His Royal Highness." Gadot's words made the two people in front of them standstill, with surprises on their faces.

Charlie found several reasons and tried to fabricate her, and Jack was also helping. Charlie didn't distrust the beautiful woman with a wheat complexion and fit body in front of her. It's just that he felt there were differences between men and women, and it was inappropriate to be in the same room.

However, Gadot is unusually insistent and claims that this is entirely out of consideration for his safety, her duty, and the tradition of the Blue Moon Star.

"According to Blue Moon Star's regulations, as the Queen's only made, I have to personally serve His Royal Highness's daily life and protect his safety when there are no other maids."

Charlie continued to insist on his point of view, from calm to violent, explaining that this is the earth and not the blue moon star, and even took out his identity as His Royal Highness to let her follow her arrangements. But when he was about to go out, regardless of pushing the door, he was stopped by Gadot. Jack was too lazy to meddle in this business but thought Charlie was a good plan in a room with a woman he couldn't beat. They said something rascal, gave Charlie a teasing look, turned, and went downstairs.