Wake Up

Several of Carlo's men rushed towards Charlie. Charlie fell to the ground, picked up the gun on the basis, and knocked down the man in black who was attacking him. Unfortunately, after two shots, the ammo was gone. Charlie threw the gun at a man in black. The man in black dodged and held Charlie's hand. The other hand gave him a hard fist in the face. Immediately afterward, the guy who followed him kicked him in the stomach, and Charlie spits out gastric juices, only to feel that all the organs in his body seemed to move. Charlie was pinned to the ground, and the opponent grabbed his neck with both hands, and the fear of suffocation caused him to kick his feet in the air. The free hand slapped and scratched at the opponent, but the opponent was like an unconscious robot, and Charlie tried his best to remain unmoved.

At this time, another guy took out a dagger from his back and stabbed Charlie with it. There was a gunshot, and the guy with the knife was shot through the chest and lay beside Charlie. It was Jack who fired the shot at this critical moment. Jack found that the gun was also depleted of bullets, looked around, and tried to pick up a weapon but found nothing. He ran in the direction of Charlie but suddenly flew nearly ten meters away from being hit. If he hadn't stumbled across the ground to see the male lion running towards him, he would have thought he had just been knocked over by a car. Carlo signaled the lion to kill Jack, and he and the poisonous scorpion quickly solved the trouble of Gadot. Jack staggered to his feet and unexpectedly gave the approaching lion an uppercut. Jack has been boxing for a few years, and many people have fallen under his uppercuts. However, this punch hit the male lion in the face, but the other party did not respond. Immediately afterward, Jack smashed the opponent in the face with several points. The lion stood still like an iron tower in front of Jack. The male lion grabbed Jack and lifted him off the ground. Jack slammed the opponent's arm violently, struggling with his feet in the air. The male lion didn't move at all and saw that he raised his palm and stabbed Jack's abdomen violently. Jack whimpered, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. The lion's entire hand stabbed into Jack's stomach.

"Jack," Gadot called out. Helpless, Gadot, struggling at the moment, saw that the lion was killing Jack, but he was powerless to clone. Although Carlo does not use any weapons, his ability is not low, and his fist speed is as fast as a bullet. Gadot was hit by the poisonous scorpion several times and almost attacked by the side because he couldn't see the opponent's swift punches.

Charlie looked at Jack lying in a pool of blood with tears. His eyes were red and bloodshot. During his suffocation for some time, infinite grief and anger welled up in his heart, accompanied by an unspeakable force spreading from his heart. He opened his eyes suddenly, and golden light flashed in his eyes. He grabbed the hand that was strangling him, breaking finger after finger. Charlie grabbed each other's hands and sat up slowly. I saw him break it lightly, and with a crisp sound, the man's two arms were broken into strange shapes, and then the man knelt in front of Charlie and wailed in pain.

Charlie felt that his body had never been lighter, and his body was filled with infinite power. He didn't exert any force just now, but the other party became vulnerable in front of him.

Charlie didn't think about it because his mind was blank at the moment, and his only thought was to get rid of the man strangling him, come to Jack, and wake up the man who had saved him countless times. He stumbled towards Jack, murmuring Jack's name. At this time, the lion stood in front of him. Charlie looked at the man who had brutally murdered Jack, roaring and charging at each other, hitting him in the stomach in a sort of rugby bump. The height and weight of the two are not at the same level. The thin Charlie is like a chicken challenging the eagle in front of a tall, muscular lion. The disparity in strength is pitiful.

Unexpectedly, Charlie slammed into the male lion at an almost instantaneous speed. This time, the violent impact was so powerful that the male lion flew several meters away. The male lion did not expect that he would be knocked down by a child. He stood up grimly, shook his head, and slapped his substantial chest muscles.

"Charlie, go!" Gadot approached Charlie anxiously and tried to protect him but was blocked by the scorpion's double knives and was injured by Carlo.

The male lion lunged at him like a ferocious lion. The strength of the lion's punch was astonishing, and it smashed the rock behind Charlie. The hammer-sized fist, each force, struck Charlie with the sound of the wind, and Charlie could only dodge in a hurry. What makes Charlie feel strange is that he is moving faster and faster, so fast that he can go around behind the lion in the blink of an eye, but the lion in front of him moves slower and slower, as if he is watching a movie. The video of the slow-play key being pressed. From raising his hand to punching, the lion in front of him seemed to him to have taken dozens of seconds. Not only that, but the three of Gadot, fighting against Carlo and the Poisonous Scorpion in front of them, were also surprisingly slow.

He seems to no longer be afraid of the fierce man in front of him because even if he roars, he has the power to destroy everything around him and will not hurt himself in the slightest.

Charlie just stood there and quickly avoided the lion's attacks; his face was very calm and calm.

The angry lion's gasping face became highly distorted. He gathered all his strength and punched Charlie. The punch was powerful enough to send a car flying a few meters and collapse the solid city wall. However, this time, Charlie caught the opponent's fist firmly instead of hiding!

This scene also made several bystanders look dumbfounded, and even Carlo was surprised. As for the lion's fist, let alone himself, he has never seen anyone who can block his fist with one hand.

Gadot looked at Charlie in the distance with a hint of joy on his face and said softly, "You finally woke up."