
When the lion saw Charlie grab his fist, he immediately punched him in the face, but Charlie still caught it quickly. At this time, the lion's hands were firmly grasped by Charlie; he tried to break free and raised his arms to try to throw Charlie far away. Charlie's hands seemed to be welded with the lion's hands, and his body seemed to be embedded in the ground. No matter how violently the other party dragged him, Charlie's feet were always as solid as a rock.

Charlie and the lion fought hard, but neither of them gave in. Charlie let out an angry roar, the veins on his forehead burst out, his arms used all his strength, the lion's wrist was almost broken, his vast body fell to his knees, and his face was full of pain.

"Why did you kill him?! Why!" With the crisp sound of bones breaking, the lion's fist was crushed, and his hand turned nearly 360 degrees in the air. Then, the lion kneeling on the ground let out a painful howl with his broken and shaking hands.

Seeing that the lion was no longer a problem, Charlie ran to Jack's side and lifted the delirious Jack up. He watched the blood flow from Jack's body continuously, and in a panic, he covered the other's wound with Jack's hand. Meanwhile, Jack looked at him weakly. "Run away, Charlie. Leave me alone."

He took off his suit jacket, draped it around Jack's waist, tightened the wound on Jack's abdomen, and said firmly, "No, don't say anything; I'll take you, and you'll be fine." After that, Charlie put Jack on his back, got up, and ran down the mountain.

Seeing Charlie running down the mountain with Jack on his back, Gadot crosses the sky with a pair of knives and jumps to the side to take the opportunity to escape and run down the mountain. Carlo signaled the scorpion to chase after Gadot while he dealt with Charlie. The poisonous scorpion is not Gadot's opponent, so naturally, he can't catch up. Gadot jumped agilely in the mountains at a breakneck speed. During this period, he pulled out the inserted arrow from the fallen corpse, turned his double knives into bows and arrows, and pulled the bows to shoot arrows. He shot straight at the poisonous scorpion that was chasing after him.

Charlie ran down the mountain with the injured Jack on his back. Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky, and Charlie turned his head to see Carlo rushing towards him. He stumbled, unable to stand firm on his feet, and both himself and Jack fell. I noticed that the position where he was standing was stepped on by Carlo's feet to create a vast pit. He got up quickly and carried Jack on his back again.

Carlo's movement speed is obviously much faster than that of the lion. With Jack on his back, Charlie will follow Carlo's footsteps wherever he moves, leaving Charlie nowhere to escape. After a few rounds, Charlie suddenly remembered a basketball fake. So, he used the technique of dribbling the ball to feint first. Sure enough, Carlo was fooled. Then, he quickly broke through the encirclement and ran over Carlo downhill.

Charlie was closely pursued by Carlo. He ran faster and faster and even used teleportation again, leaving Carlo, who could almost reach out to grab him behind him.

At this time, Gadot used the device on her wrist to start a black Lincoln car, and she quickly jumped into the car and started the car using the device. After a few operations, the device on her wrist reflected a blue sphere floating in the air. About the size of a hand, the blue ball is a simple device designed to simulate the directional control stick in the cockpit of a spacecraft. Gadot put his hand on the top of the ball, and as the ball rolled forward, the car rushed out.

Charlie watched Gadot shout to himself through the car window, then he quickened his pace and ran toward the oncoming car. The poisonous scorpion and Carlo were still behind Charlie, biting him like hungry wolves, and followed closely behind Charlie.

The car stopped in front of Charlie, and Charlie bent over and hurriedly stuffed Jack into the car. Several men in black in the distance shot at him desperately, and bullets hit past him, and then he jumped into the car. . The wheels spun rapidly on the ground and rolled up layers of dust. Just as Carlo and the poisonous scorpion arrived, the black Lincoln galloped forward angrily like a bull rushing out of the fence.

Gadot drove the car to the coastal road, followed by Carlo, the poisonous scorpion, and a few men in black. Several of Carlo's men stuck out the window and shot at Charlie's car. Soon, the car's body was covered with bullet holes, and the window was shattered. Then, Carroll slammed the vehicle into Charlie's car at full speed. The three of them almost flew from their seats in the vehicle like puppets thrown into the air.

Gadot kept moving left and right, trying not to let the car behind him overtake, but after all, it was the first time to drive, and the technology was still poor, so he let Carlo's car catch up and keep pace with his own vehicle. During the period, several oncoming cars were hit by Carlo and flew out of the fence and fell under the cliff to avoid the two of them and not hitting the mountain next to them.

"I didn't expect you to be able to drive."

"I'm not driving a car; I'm driving a spaceship!"

"Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, Carlo's car slammed into them. The trio's car veered off course instantly and crashed into the roadside fence.

Gadot hurriedly pulled the front of the car in the opposite direction; the wheels ran over the cliff's edge, the show crashed several fences, and finally returned to the road.

Scorpion pulled the door, climbed to the roof, and tried to jump into Charlie's car. Just when she was about to jump, Gadot turned sharply, the body slammed into Carlo's body, and the doors of the two vehicles suddenly dented seriously. Carlo's body was rubbed against the mountain on the side of the road by Gadot, and sparks flew everywhere. The poisonous scorpion on the car's roof was unsteady when she suddenly hit her feet and fell to the top of the following vehicle. She lay on the roof and grabbed the railing beside her. However, this is not difficult for the poisonous scorpion, and soon she turned over and dexterously got into the car.

Several cars chased back and forth until they reached the intersection leading to Jiali Lake. Several police cars patrolling the corner for a long time quickly included the few desperados in front of them as the target of pursuit. Soon, one of the police officers used the walkie-talkie in his hand to inform the surrounding big boys, who couldn't wait to come and arrest them.

A burst of sirens came from behind, and Carlo saw two police cars following him in the rearview mirror. Then, there was another shout from the walkie-talkie through the loudspeaker, and Carlo didn't care what he said. The police car quickly drove to Carlow's side, and an officer rolled down the window to show the officer's ID and shouted at him to stop.

Carlo was disgusted, he turned the steering wheel violently, and the body slammed into the police car beside him.

The policeman behind him must have felt that the guy in front of him was arrogant. After picking up the walkie-talkie and spitting at Xingzi, he threw the walkie-talkie aside. After a while, police cars in twos and threes at the next few intersections joined the chasing team, and even two police cars stopped at the corner, but they were hit by Gadot's black Lincoln.

Not only did Gadot quickly learn how to drive a car, but he also mastered how to dodge and get out of rounded police cars on the road, leaving the police and Carlo far behind. Behind him, Carlo had chewing gum stuck to the bottom of his house, and he couldn't shake it off. The police car behind him attracted more and more blockades. The police probably regarded him as hazardous and even shot him in the tires several times, forcing him to stop.

When Carlo saw a large number of police officers with guns in both hands surrounding him, he must have considered that if he did some extreme actions in front of everyone's eyes, it would have too much impact, so he had no choice but to give up and tap the steering wheel angrily.

Charlie finally sighed, seeing no one chasing him, and slumped on the seat. He turned to look at Jack, who was covered in blood, and from the slight twitching expression on his face, Charlie knew he was still alive, but it was unknown how long he would last, maybe an hour, perhaps the next second. He didn't know where to go next, whether to go back to the cabin by the lake, take Jack to the hospital, or find a place with no one...

Gadot glanced at Jack through the rearview mirror and said, "We must find a place to stop the bleeding first. He won't last long like this."

Charlie looked at Jack, lying on the side; the blood had soaked a lot on the seat below him. At this moment, he kept asking himself to come up with something, what must be done.