Chapter 145: Lunar New Year's Eve (until the fourth watch of the night)

Lin Zhen also raised his glass and clinked it against Su Mingyue's: "I'm honored to have a friend like Su Saintess."

Lin Zhen drained his glass of red wine, while Su Mingyue only took a gentle sip. Then, they both began to eat the delicious roasted meat eagerly.

Lin Zhen consumed his food as if a tornado was sweeping up the last of the leaves while Su Mingyue ate in delicate bites. She had received elite training from a very young age and carried an innate grace about her, not losing poise even in her hunger.

By nighttime, the two of them had polished off more than twenty pounds of roasted meat and three bottles of red wine; Lin Zhen had personally downed over eighteen pounds of meat and two bottles of wine.

Given her small appetite, Su Mingyue only managed to eat approximately two pounds of meat.

After tidying up and retracting the liquid metal, Lin Zhen prepared his own den for Su Mingyue to stay while he arranged a bed of petals not far away to rest.