Chapter 144: Another Planet Core (Third Update)

Delicate jade hands met coarse, large ones. A spark of golden lightning leaped between their palms - not static electricity, but a lightning ion from within Lin Zhen's body that had accidentally emerged.

Su Mingyue withdrew her hand with a startled cry. She didn't know it was a lightning ion, and assumed that static had simply built up between her and Lin Zhen.

Lightly pursing her red lips, Su Mingyue stole a glance at Lin Zhen and found him looking down at the water. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief.

"What are you looking at?" Su Mingyue asked.

"The water."

"The water? What's so interesting about the water?" Su Mingyue lowered her head. The water at the edge of the pool was gentle, casting faint ripples like a mirror's surface.

On the water's reflection, a half-naked, muscular young man and a fairy-like girl in white robes sat side by side, their faces flushed. The water rippled gently, and the young man smiled.