Chapter 193: You are the electricity, you are the light! (Guaranteed 1 update)

Lin Zhen didn't expect to succeed so quickly. This was all thanks to the lightning power in his body. Light and electricity were two relatively close elemental powers. It's just that electricity was violent, and light was gentle.

Both powers rotated in his Dantian, making Lin Zhen's dantian look like a room filled with neon lights, making it bright like a sunny sky at one moment and dark and gloomy like night at another.

"I made it!"

Lin Zhen opened his eyes and slowly lifted his hand. The powers of light and electricity began to gather quickly in his palm.

It was an energy ball, a ball of energy formed by the fusion of light and electric powers, released from his body by using his Dantian Qi.

Light and electricity can be contained within the Dark Star. As long as Lin Zhen's Dark Star exists, it can continue to cycle indefinitely, as long as it is not completely released at once, they will be everlasting.