Chapter 192: Transformation of Luminous Particles (10 updates)

Looking at the items within the Marching Stone, Lin Zhen felt touched and bitter at the same time.

It was full of soil, piled up into a small mound, and on a branch, there was still a flower that was alive.

Above the flower, there was actually a special stargem!

A Radiance Star Crystal radiating endless light power!

After coming to the Star Fruit Tree, Lin Zhen had already obtained two special star crystals, one being a Spiritual Power Star Crystal, and the other being a Spatial Star Crystal.

After obtaining these two star crystals, they greatly benefited his martial strength and granted him two powerful techniques, Soul Lock and Psychokinetic Teleportation.

He never thought that he could obtain a third special star crystal. The fact he was missing one more to finish his absorption was regretful.

But he didn't expect Su Mingyue to leave such a great gift for him.