Chapter 223: Road Robbery

Whenever he saw a red light flashing, Lin Zhen immediately waved his hand, attracting the red gemstone fragments with his gravitational force.

After another hour, he amazingly collected twenty-five red gemstone fragments and even a blue one.

Martial artists who obtained gemstone fragments would emit a faint glow, indicating they had gemstone fragments on them. This was intentional by the War God Alliance, as it encouraged martial artists to battle in the contest.

Lin Zhen's acquired gemstone fragments caused red and blue rays of light to shimmer on his body, but he didn't care, as there was no one behind him to see it.

"Ha! This is so exhilarating!"

Lin Zhen became excited as he searched for treasures. Although the number of Star Artifacts discovered in the ancient god ruins was increasing, causing their prices to fall drastically, they still weren't very cheap.