Chapter 222: Lin Zhen's Tactics

On the streets of Ice City, people stared in shock at the subtitles flashing on the screen.

Behind the name Adolf was a suffix that read "Hall of Fame."

The so-called Hall of Fame were the ones heavily promoted before the competition by various martial halls, searchable online, and found in books.

Every Hall of Fame member was popular, and people believed that they could advance to the knockout stage, yet such a Hall of Fame member was instantly killed upon entering the battlefield.

Lin Zhen!

It was Lin Zhen again!

Wasn't he supposed to be done for, with his low realm after advancing to the War God level?

Wasn't he supposed to be the first one to be eliminated?

Those Sand Russia martial artists looked so fierce, didn't they all vow to teach Lin Zhen a lesson?

How did everything suddenly reverse in an instant?

"Oh my God, Lin Zhen only took one second to kill Adolf, one of Sand Russia's three warriors, and he's a Hall of Fame member! He's going to reach the sky!"