Chapter 473: Going Home

Solar Territory, Mars.

A sub-light speed civilian spacecraft was preparing to land at Olympus Base City on Mars.

Passengers were lining up to disembark, and this was the third batch of immigrants to Olympus.

At present, the atmospheric transformation of Mars has been completed. In this era of high technology, everything is easy with money, and the technology for producing oxygen from the atmosphere is already very mature.

With the air, artificial rain clouds have formed a benign cycle on Mars after a year of continuous operation.

With the water, artificial lakes began to form on the surface, and rivers and mountain springs gradually appeared.

Since Mars had never been stepped on by humans, its natural environment was very good.

All government agencies on Earth have been disbanded, and the entire Solar Territory's affairs are managed by Lin Zhen's office. Now, Earth has become the core of the Solar Territory.