Chapter 474: Thunderous Tactics

Sky City, Administrative Office.

This place has already become the holy land of the Solar Domain, with the affairs of more than a dozen life planets concentrated here.

Ever since Lin Zhen defeated the challenges of over 8,000 Martial Artists from Blue Bay Star in the Asura Arena, all the life planets within the Solar Domain have been submissive.

Routes to the Solar System have been opened up everywhere, and some visionary people from other planets have chosen to come to Earth to buy land and settle down.

As a result, land prices on Earth have skyrocketed.

In particular, Lin Zhen once stipulated that the mutated beasts on Earth must not be massacred on a large scale and should be used for the cultivation of low-level Martial Artists on Earth, which made land on Earth extremely scarce.

Now, most of the disputes on Earth are partly due to land issues. With the connection to the interstellar community, the people of Earth have pitifully little wealth of their own.