Chapter 475: Planet Level 8, Number 1 in the Star System Stage (3rd update)

At the entrance to the house, two Constant Star Stage guards immediately saluted Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen waved his hand and immediately went in.

Ling'er followed closely behind. Although Sky City was not small, Ling'er, with her Satellite Stage realm, was able to easily catch up with Lin Zhen using instantaneous movement.

Lin Zhen entered the house with Ling'er.

Having not returned for over a year, the courtyard was filled with lush green grass and colorful flowers. As the residence of the lord, this was the best location and courtyard in Sky City.

As soon as Lin Zhen entered the courtyard, he stopped in his tracks.

That was because he saw Su Mingyue standing prettily in the courtyard, holding a little baby in her arms, smiling brightly as she looked at Lin Zhen.

"Ming Yue! How did you come out?"

Lin Zhen had not seen Su Mingyue for a long time and missed her very much. He strode over in two or three steps, embracing his soft and fragrant wife in his arms.