Chapter 476: The Mutated Star Fruit Tree

Seeing Chen Fenglie looking so frustrated, Lin Zhen couldn't help but find it amusing.

"Brother Chen, it doesn't need to be this way, shall we take it slow and discuss? How about you come over to my house, I'll ask Yue'er to cook some dishes, we can have a chat while eating and drinking?"

Chen Fenglie was clearly tempted: "Going to your house...that might work. Not everyone gets a chance to taste Su's magnificent cooking skills. Fine, I'll come over in a bit."

With that, he immediately logged out of the Dimensional Universe.

Lin Zhen smiled, closed his eyes, and savored the peaceful tranquility.

About ten minutes later, Chen Fenglie arrived.

Su Mingyue and An Ning had just finished their cultivation session. Seeing Chen Fenglie arriving, Lin Zhen said to Su Mingyue, who loved to cook: "Yue'er, Brother Chen is here, make a couple of dishes for us. Remember to add more meat."

"Uh huh, I know. You all can't enjoy your meal without meat."