Chapter 502: Phoenix Soaring in the Sky

Ever since Lin Zhen successfully fed Little Phoenix, their relationship improved somewhat.

Perhaps Lin Zhen's Flame Therapy Skill was indeed effective for Little Phoenix, making it no longer resistant to healing in Lin Zhen's arms.

The second time, after Lin Zhen successfully fed and treated Little Phoenix, it finally showed a reaction.

Both Phoenix and Kirin are of fire attribute, and their flame power is beneficial to each other. However, it seemed that Little Phoenix felt that Lin Zhen's flame power was weaker. When Lin Zhen was healing it for the second time, Little Phoenix made a move.

It raised its little head, glanced at Lin Zhen with a contemptuous look, and then a bright golden-yellow flame appeared.

Even after Lin Zhen's extensive training, his flame power was only light yellow, which was achieved by relying on a trace of Little Phoenix's bloodline power. Despite being so small, Little Phoenix's flame power had already far surpassed Lin Zhen's.