Chapter 503: Seven-level Constant Star!

Seeing the brighter flames on Little Phoenix, Lin Zhen was overjoyed. This Little Phoenix indeed still had potential to be tapped into, and the intensity of its flames had increased once more!

The devouring power of the Black Hole Beast was activated, and the flames began to merge again!

Lin Zhen's flames resonated with Little Phoenix's once more. The deep yellow flames from before turned into bright yellow in less than ten minutes, and after an hour, they reached the level of golden-yellow!

Although it had not yet reached the intensity of the Little Phoenix's slightly whitish flames, the power of the flames now was already much stronger than before!

When this round of cultivation ended, Lin Zhen couldn't help but hug and kiss Little Phoenix fiercely.

Little Phoenix dodged, wobbling, and although still unwilling, its reaction was not as intense as before.

"I'm rich! Now I can finally smelt on a large scale!"