Chapter 544: Precipitation after Failure (Third Update)

After waiting for a while, the information for the team battle finally arrived.

"Your teammate invites you to join a million-person team battle, do you accept?"


"To join the team battle, each person needs to carry 10 million Cosmic Crystals as capital, are you sure?"


Soon, the scenery changed in front of Lin Zhen's eyes, and he appeared in a massive arena.

Countless people appeared almost simultaneously around him, including Yan Qiyue, Heige, and the others.

The size of this arena was almost unimaginable. On one side was Lin Zhen's team, the Black Team, and on the other was the Red Team. They were separated by ten miles, and the opposite side was filled with dense crowds.

One million people on each side!

There wasn't any tactic in such a battle; the goal was to charge forward, kill the opponents, and for every kill, you could acquire half of their 10-million capital!

If an opponent had accumulated 30-million capital, killing them would give you 15-million!