Chapter 545: Two Years Have Passed

"Father! As expected, your tactics were brilliant. Lin Zhen has been expelled from the arena and ran away with his tail between his legs, haha!"


It was the first time Ye Hua had been so happy. Ever since Lin Zhen had exterminated billions of the Insect Clan on Suspended Island, Ye Hua had been worried that Lin Zhen would overtake him and seek vengeance for Feng Qingluan's grudge.

He even wanted to take the initiative to find Lin Zhen and have a direct showdown, but with the protection of the Mixed World King, he never had such an opportunity.

Helpless, all he could do was diligently cultivate to prevent Lin Zhen from suddenly coming for him one day.

However, seeing Lin Zhen grow step by step and make a fortune in the arena, he couldn't help but feel extremely anxious.

In the end, it was the World King of Machinery who took action and had someone drive Lin Zhen out of the arena, which made Ye Hua genuinely happy.