Chapter 558 Luo Gou

Five ghosts and Ying Huo are extremely fast. As top level gods from a major battle zone, they both could fly at sub-light speed. Although their speed is not comparable to Lin Zhen's short distance planetary instantaneous movement of 100,000 kilometers, it's not easy for Lin Zhen to shake them off.

In the end, escaping still relied on the spacecraft.

Several consecutive planetary instant movements caused Lin Zhen's "Star Power" to significantly decrease, but only in this way, can he quickly widen the distance from his opponents.

After five instantaneous movements, Five ghosts and Ying Huo were at least 100,000 kilometers away, Lin Zhen finally had the time to bring out his Permanent Crystal Battleship and quickly flew away.

After a while, the battleship accelerated and entered the parallel universe.

It was not until then Lin Zhen finally had a breather.