Chapter 559: Baiyulan Planet

Having finally evaded the pursuit of the five ghosts and Ying Huo, Lin Zhen immediately checked the star map of their surroundings.

Their energy blocks must be running out, and the fastest way to buy some was not to wait for delivery from the Fire Kirin Holy Star. After all, they had been flying for a month. Instead, it would be faster to buy some from a nearby Life Star. Energy blocks are commonly available on all the Life Stars connected to the universe.

After checking the star map, Lin Zhen immediately locked onto a planet.

"According to our previous flight route, they must have gone to Tianbei Star by now, which is about four or five days away from here. A round trip would probably take ten days."

"Five days further along, there's a Life Star called Baiyulan Star. There's a wormhole to the Kirin Holy Star within three thousand miles of that planet. I can go there to buy fire crystalstones, which can be delivered quickly."