Chapter 560: The Blue-Green Flame! (3 more)


In the depths of space, Ying Huo had originally been reclining in his chair when he suddenly sat up straight.

"What's the matter?"

Ying Huo's movement startled Five Ghosts: "What are you doing? Jumping up like that?"

"Something's not right! I had clearly placed a tracking mark on Lin Zhen, and it had been showing his location up until just now. But now the signal is getting weaker and weaker. I can barely sense his presence."

"That can't be right. The tracking mark can only be erased if their Star Power is greater than yours. Even though Lin Zhen has a decent amount of strength, his Star Power is definitely lower than yours, and we both know that."

"You're right, but I just can't seem to clearly sense his marked location anymore. He's left his original position... He's on the move, and he's fast... Oh no! I can't sense him at all anymore, the distance is too great!"

As Ying Huo spoke, his eyebrows furrowed, clearly caught off guard by Lin Zhen's actions.