Chapter 562: The White Magnolia Catastrophe

"Pigs~! They're all fucking pigs!"

Five Ghosts roared in anger, echoing in the control room of the spaceship. A large group of god-level martial artists around him kept their mouths shut, not daring to speak.

"One hundred million Star System Stage strong ones! Ah! How powerful is that force? It's enough to sweep across an intermediate civilization in the universe. But on this small Baiyulan Star, you've been searching for a full year!"

"Even if it was a bacterium, you should have found it within a year, right? Have all your years of practice gone to the dogs? Are you just letting Lin Zhen go on with his leisurely life?"

Five Ghosts couldn't help but get angry, they've been delayed on Baiyulan Star for a whole year.

At the beginning, Ji Du said that it might take some time to find Lin Zhen, but who could have thought that Lin Zhen would be so difficult to deal with, hiding completely on Baiyulan Star.