Chapter 563: The Roaring Black Hole Beast!


Lin Zhen roared, his eyes instantly filled with bloodshot veins!

Yaya was dead! She died in her mother's arms, among this endless sea of flames.

It could even be said that Yaya died by Lin Zhen's own hands!

These seven evil stars of the arena, they were so vicious that they would rather bury an entire planet with them just to corner Lin Zhen!

He was furious, and he was full of hatred! But at the moment, the Five Ghosts didn't give him any chance!


"Hahaha~! He's finally come out! Look, Lin Zhen finally couldn't bear it and came out. We should have used this move long ago to force him out."

"But it's not too late now, order the starship battleship's energy cannons and laser cannons to target him, bombard Lin Zhen and eliminate him completely!"

At the order of the Five Ghosts, all the interstellar orbital guns found their targets, and countless energy columns, laser-guided missiles, and laser cannons rumbled down from the sky!