Chapter 488: The Extremely Fierce Lin Zhen, the Charging Man!

Zhu Lingshan's body fell back down, plummeting from the sky to the ground.

After landing, her body stumbled slightly, her gaze clearly filled with disappointment.

She knew that she wouldn't pass on her first attempt, but she wanted to test herself to see just how big the gap was. However, she never expected the gap to be so vast.

This dealt quite a blow to her confidence, especially since she would have to face Sun Liang and Zhu Xiaodie's ridicule upon returning.

As she slowly walked back, sure enough, Sun Liang and Zhu Xiaodie burst into laughter.

"Sister, did you underperform a bit? Is this still my omnipotent sister? With your skills, aren't you bringing disgrace to our family?"

Before Zhu Lingshan could respond, Lin Zhen impatiently said from behind: "Can you two hurry up? Maybe your results will be worse than hers, so what's there to show off?"

"Alright! I'll let you witness my true strength today, so you won't talk tough when your arm gets chopped off!"