Chapter 489 Lin Zhen's Results

At this moment, Lin Zhen truly felt invincible, as if he could cut through all obstacles and forge ahead.

In his eyes, the pressure from above seemed inconsequential, and the one-hundred-thousand-kilometer distance appeared trivial to him.

Seventy-thousand...seventy-five thousand...eighty thousand kilometers!

By this time, Lin Zhen's achievements had already surpassed Sun Liang and Zhu Xiaodie's.

He had won this bet.

However, Lin Zhen's goal had never been merely winning this insignificant bet; it was merely a little amusement during his idle time. He helped Zhu Lingshan while taking the opportunity to test himself, to challenge whether he could pass through the Heavenly Gate and directly ascend to the Original World on his first attempt.

With seventy-thousand Star Power in his original body and sixty-five thousand in his clone, Lin Zhen believed he might have a chance after using Star Energy Transfer.