Chapter 490: Two World Kings

Zhu Lingshan took the knife from Lin Zhen's hand, still somewhat hesitant.

At this moment, the white-haired World King in front spoke: "Martial Artists act without hesitation; constantly worrying about consequences will only limit achievements. Staying true to the original essence of martial arts is the key."

Lin Zhen glanced at the World King and nodded at Zhu Lingshan: "Go ahead."

Zhu Lingshan's eyes became firm, thinking about the harm Sun Liang and Zhu Xiaodie had done to her; she no longer had any scruples and walked forward.

"Sun Liang! You deserve this knife!"


The knife fell, a flash of fire, and Sun Liang's arm fell to the ground.

Sun Liang had always been quite arrogant, assuming that even if his arm fell off, it would grow back, so he pretended to be calm and didn't care.

But after the blade fell, a wisp of flame erupted from the blade, a deep cyan flame that quickly burned the wound!