Chapter 607 Lin Zhen is a broke guy

Not only Lin Zhen was on the main road, but there were also other people around.

Seeing the carriage coming, people gave way one after another.

Lin Zhen couldn't really stand this behavior, yet he wouldn't cause trouble because of it, so he dodged aside.

The carriage whizzed past on the main road at a speed of about ten times the speed of sound.

Don't think that ten times the speed of sound is slow, as it's impossible to have a similar speed to that of the New World under the immense pressure of the Original World.

After the carriage passed by, the people around it gradually returned to normal.

"Is the Wood Prince going on a patrol again?"

"Maybe, I heard he got a new territory, and this should be him going to inspect it."

"That's a real winner in life, having money and power. Not like us common people, struggling for a few silver coins every day."