Chapter 608: New World Hometown Association

Upon seeing this, Lin Zhen's eyes lit up instantly.

He had previously heard people talking about guest officials and knew that they were incredible positions.

Not only did they offer free food and accommodation, but they also provided a high salary and even access to the resources needed for cultivation.

These were all things Lin Zhen was currently lacking, so he quickly walked over.

The sign also said, "The Mansion recruits guest officials, all candidates at the Star System Stage and higher are welcome to register. The registration fee is one coin. Those who pass the assessment can join. Registration location: Lianyunge Restaurant!"

Lin Zhen turned his head and looked at a towering building in the distance, which matched the pattern on the sign.

"This is the place. Luckily, I have one coin, otherwise, I would really have to sell my things for a few coins."