Chapter 623: Rich Second Generation World King

Upon entering the entrance of the Alchemist Guild, the heady aroma of elixirs immediately hit him.

The hall was bustling with many people, amongst them, most were in Star Domain Stage, with even a handful World Kings present. But they all sat in an orderly manner waiting their turn, with nobody daring to cause a commotion.

Those who were there for examinations or had requests for elixirs were all waiting for an alchemist inside to attend to them.

Lin Zhen first signed up, then took a seat in the last available spot. This spot was based on a rotating progression system, which was essentially queuing up while seated. When the person ahead finished, each spot would automatically shift forward once.

The receptionist at the front desk was a beauty with fair skin and a pleasant voice, just listening to her was a pleasure.

"Elder Qian, your elixir isn't ready yet. Please come back next time."