Chapter 624: Smooth Advancement (Third Update)

The first elixir Lin Zhen wanted to refine was Juyuan Powder, which is a must-know for every Alchemist.

Skilled in grasping the medicinal materials, igniting the fire, and starting the furnace.

Everything about Lin Zhen was almost impeccable, showing no signs of being a novice.

Meng Fei found it hard to imagine how someone who had never taken the Alchemist qualification exam before could possess such skillful techniques. He even had a feeling that the Juyuan Powder refined by Lin Zhen might be better than his own.


The Pill Furnace shook, and it was a success in one try!

A batch of Juyuan Powder was produced, and Lin Zhen took it out and said to the two Alchemists, "Can I keep the finished elixirs for myself?"

"Yes, but you have to pay for the medicinal materials."

Lin Zhen stored the elixirs and took out one to show the two Alchemists.

"Tsk! This color, smell, shape, and purity! It's definitely a high-grade Juyuan Powder!"