Chapter 722: Advancing to a 7th Grade Alchemist

The test for a Seventh-grade Alchemist is a grand event, which normally requires one to go to the Association or have someone from the Association come.

However, Lin Zhen's situation is special now, so everything has to be simplified.

Nalan Chenxi reported Lin Zhen's situation, and Long Ge'er, the vice president of the Association of Alchemists, personally oversaw the test.

"Brother Lin, are you sure you don't want to broadcast it? I think you have a great chance of success." Nalan Chenxi patted Lin Zhen's shoulder affectionately just before the test.

"Big brother, there's really no need, it's not like I'm getting married and taking a wife, there's no need to make it so grand." Lin Zhen laughed.

"What's so grand about getting married? A man needs grandness when he achieves success in his career."