Chapter 723: Capturing Lin Zhen

Inside the Imperial Palace of Nan Liang, Liang Zhihuan had just ended a secret meeting.

After so many days of confrontational negotiations and compromises, he had finally managed to pacify all opposing forces.

No one would object to him taking action against Lin Zhen now, even if Lin Zhen was a hero.

Nan Liang was his kingdom, and he was the only king here; no one could compete with him.

"Shi Xiaomao, is everything ready?"

"All is ready, Your Majesty. Ten thousand World King-level experts from the Imperial Forest Army are in place, and there are also seven Longevity Experts. These men are our confidants, trustworthy, and there won't be any mistakes like last time."

"Hmph! That's better; what on earth happened last time? Has Lin Zhen become so strong that he can kill Longevity Warriors?"