Chapter 730: We Must Catch Him Even If We Have To Flatten The Volcano! (Five More Updates! 900 Monthly Votes Add Extra Updates)

This video of Lin Zhen's dark massacre has caused a great uproar in Nan Liang.

This time, it's not just the anger of the royal family, but also the citizens who have been thoroughly ignited.

Countless people took to the streets demanding severe punishment for Lin Zhen.

Holding banners and slogans, the angry people gathered in front of the government office and even volunteered to join the battle.

This large-scale action put immense pressure on the government, forcing them to dispatch local troops to maintain public order.

However, they soon provided a satisfactory answer to the people: Lin Zhen had entered the Hell Volcano, and the area had been completely surrounded. With billions of soldiers and civilians guarding the area, Lin Zhen could not escape even if he had wings.