Chapter 731: World King Transforms! (Guaranteed 1 update)

Inside the volcano, Lin Zhen's cultivation had reached a critical moment.

The noisy voices outside did not affect him at all. After diving into the volcano, Lin Zhen plunged straight to the very bottom, into the hottest magma.

Lin Zhen was about to cultivate bright cyan-colored flames, which wouldn't harm him, allowing him to hide safely from others.

He didn't care about whoever was outside at this moment, he just ignored them.

Since the moment he began his massacre, Lin Zhen had completely torn his face off with the people of Nan Liang.

Lin Zhen had no regrets at all; he felt he was completely innocent!

"I have never thought of hurting you, but you treat me like this, so don't blame me for being heartless!"

With no decrease in his killing intent, Lin Zhen began to condense World Stone once again.