Chapter 791: The Roaring Feast of Guns and Cannons! (Triple Update!)

When Lin Zhen was on Earth, he also admired those who used firearms.

Although in the Martial Artist's world, firearms were ultimately difficult to enter the elegant hall, they had their unique charm.

The pleasure of holding a machine gun and mowing down a large group of enemies in front of you, like cutting grass, was something swords and other weapons couldn't achieve.

Unfortunately, firearms became useless to a certain extent. Even laser weapons and railguns became increasingly useless after entering the Star Realm.

After Martial Artists passed through the Black Hole Period, they could basically ignore firearms unless they were directly hit by the main cannon of a Starship Battleship.

So Lin Zhen once thought that he would never be able to hold a machine gun-like weapon and sweep it.

But unexpectedly, he stumbled upon the super battle techniques of the Kirin Gun and Kirin Cannon.