Chapter 792: Beast Binding Soul Lock

After the collapse of the spirit treasure, Lin Zhen's Kirin Cannon finally showed its powerful power.

Because the martial artists were lined up in a straight line, those behind didn't even know about the breaking of the shield in front, and they didn't have time to dodge, so the disaster happened.

Apart from the two or three hundred martial artists who saw the shield break and escaped in the first place, the Kirin Cannon pierced the next one thousand four or five hundred people!

Lin Zhen chose to stand head-on because he was waiting for this moment.

An energy beam penetrated from the first person to the last, leaving behind only a large piece of legs!

The upper body of the people was vaporized by the energy beam, and the remaining legs fell from the sky with a bang.

After this blow, there were less than two thousand mercenaries left to attack Lin Zhen, which no longer posed a significant threat.