Chapter 814: Welcome to the Original World_1

The Demon Clan's team finally approached Lin Zhen.

Knowing that their opponent was Lin Zhen, the warriors of the Demon Clan were somewhat excited.

Killing or capturing a person they despise always feels better than killing an unknown nobody.

So when they surrounded Lin Zhen, everyone wished they could be the first to rush out and capture Lin Zhen.

Everyone was waiting for Jitilu to give the order.

This was Jitilu's first encounter with Lin Zhen.

In the eyes of some in the Endless Star Sea, "Lin Zhen" is just a symbol.

A minor figure who, though not powerful, inadvertently ruined their plans.

Because they are enemies, the Endless Star Sea and the Ground Clan of the Original World do not share information, the Ground Clan are unaware of the internal affairs of the Endless Star Sea, and the Endless Star Sea is ignorant of the situation of the Ground Clan.