Chapter 815: Just Practicing! (Third Update)_1

After Lin Zhen launched the Kirin Cannon, Jitilu realized, Lin Zhen was not the weakling he had imagined.

Today, he might have bitten off more than he could chew!

However, as a super strong one with Divine Transformation, Jitilu couldn't believe that he would not match up to a Warrior at the Longevity Stage. He needed to prove it with his own weapon.

His weapon was an Opensky Axe, he pulled it out, and even before he landed, his axe was already slashing down!

"The Human Clan, are a race that don't even qualify as slaves. On what grounds do they occupy the lush land of the Original World? Lin Zhen, die!"

As this sentence was spoken, Lin Zhen's face turned cold.

This Jitilu was doomed today!

With the Sky-cutting Divine Sword in hand, Lin Zhen took a step forward: "Looking for death!"

The Opensky Axe whizzed down. Lin Zhen danced aside with the Shadowless Step, easily evading the opponent's blow, swinging his Sky-cutting sword back into position.