Chapter 816: Imperial Decree 1004_1

After killing the God Transformation from a hundred thousand kilometers away, the surge of Star Power in Lin Zhen gradually calmed down.

It wasn't the clone that killed Jitilu, but his main body. Even though Jitilu was quite far from Lin Zhen's main body, he was still within Lin Zhen's line of sight. At the moment of his teleportation, Lin Zhen had marked him. The second Naked Singularity was activated, and Jitilu, far away in spatial distance, was killed.

"Nine Spirits, let's go check it out."

The Nine-headed Lion had killed three Hellhounds. Three Hellhounds, nine heads, were just perfect for him to restrain. Content with devouring the Hellhounds, he quickly swallowed them all upon Lin Zhen's call.

After continuously devouring the Nine-headed Snake and Hellhounds, Nine Spirits was now robust and hearty, carrying Lin Zhen towards the prisoner's carriage.

With the appearance of the main body, the clone automatically returned to the inner world.