Chapter 1094: Five-Star Purgatory Warrior_1

Lin Zhen and Wang Chong stood apart at a hundred-meter distance from each other.

For a deity, a hundred-meter distance might as well be within arm's reach.

Wang Chong was the first to stop because a fear-inducing aura emanated from Lin Zhen.

He didn't know what this aura represented, but his conservative and cautious character prompted him to come to a standstill.

Standing a hundred meters away, with two Upper Gods vaguely blocking the path, Wang Chong bit the bullet, shouting at Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen, you were lucky to escape last time. Instead of hiding in a mouse hole, you dare to show your face. It seems you're tired of living," he taunted.

Lin Zhen chuckled coldly: "Wang Chong, quit ranting. You have two choices — either restore my bank account and safe zone status right away, or this will be your burial ground."