Chapter 1095: Victory or Defeat! (Third Update)_1

Self-improvement and crystal breakthrough are two completely different concepts.

Generally speaking, a self-improved Lower God is firmly stronger than a Crystal Middle-level God.

With equivalent powers, a self-improved god has a Divine Domain and a life gene, they will of course be stronger.

And a self-improved Middle-Level God is more powerful than the Crystal Upper Gods.

Take the Elder Deer who just showed up for instance, a self-improved Upper Gods, he definitely belongs to the topmost group of gods.

Five Gold Stars are the symbol of his power, the badge of his honor.

After the appearance of Elder Deer, the atmosphere on the scene paused for a moment.

I really didn't expect that Wang Xingba, who was so protective of his offspring, actually provided Wang Chong with such a powerful bodyguard. It seems that this fight would be turning around again.

Without even looking at Lin Zhen, Elder Deer addressed Wang Chong: "Young Master, it seems you're going home."