Chapter 1126: Mysterious Yellow God Tower!_1

Lin Zhen's eyes glowed as he carefully counted and found that there were as many as eighty-eight Chaos Primordial Stones!

"Haha, excellent! I thought they were just some small items, but they unexpectedly gave me points not inferior to those of weapons."

Lin Zhen took all the Chaos Primordial Stones off. The next fluctuation sensed by the Treasure-seeking Vine was in a very distant place and was even smaller than this one.

Lin Zhen momentarily let the Treasure-seeking Vine return to his wrist, then directly exchanged these raw stones.

Although the Dimensional Universe exchange would reduce the income by thirty percent, after all, Lin Zhen was going to stay here for thirty years, so he should still get points as soon as possible.

So that when real situations arise, he wouldn't have the time to exchange for points.