Chapter 1127: Battle for the Xuanhuang Tower! (Seeking votes for the third update)_1

The Giant Axe God in the arena had fallen into despair.

Across from him, two Upper Gods from the Sakura Alliance engaged him—one clinging onto him while the other attempted to capture the Xuanhuang Tower.

On his own, his best option was to flee. Otherwise, if the opponent obtained the treasure, he might not even have the chance to escape.

But the allure of the Xuanhuang Tower was simply too great. Even as an Upper God, he found it hard to leave.

It can be said that this middle-grade support God Tower could not be exchanged even for a high-grade weapon!

What about a high-grade armor?

Still no exchange!

Even a combination of high-grade weapon and armor still wasn't worth it!

These especially wealthy and powerful deities, like the God Kings, may not lack weapons and armor, but even they would be moved by this Xuanhuang Tower.