Chapter 13: A Dead End (Please Add to Collection and Comment)

"Isn't that right?" Li Changhe kept an eye on the [Task Progress 1/3] in his mind while smiling faintly, "Weren't you the one who caused the teacher's death?"

Earth Knight turned pale, and also noticed the change in the [Task Progress]. He instantly understood Li Changhe's thoughts. With a flickering gaze, he cooperated and asked, "Uncle... what have you found?"

[Uncle Eight-direction] is simply called Uncle? Li Changhe chuckled inwardly, this was Earth Knight's response, it seemed that the [Player] who could advance to this level was not an ordinary person. The two hadn't communicated, but they were able to work together in an instant.

Working together to buy time.

"First of all... the identity of the teacher." Li Changhe coughed, allowing the slightly chilled lungs to warm up a bit.

"From the voice alone, the teacher's age is probably around 23 or 24. From the first and second acts, we can see that she's the last one to leave the office and the earliest to arrive every day. With such a serious attitude, she's probably a newly graduated university intern. In order to better guide the students, she comes early and leaves late." Li Changhe calculated the time it would take to get to the remaining two task locations. If the [Player] who completed the task in the basement came to help, it would take about ten minutes. The art room would take six minutes. Of course, this was not accurate, Li Changhe was calculating based on his walking speed. The [Players] might be a bit faster.

But conservatively speaking, they needed to stall for at least six minutes.

"Go on..." Cold female voices echoed around the room.

"As for you, you must be a student in her class. Your relationship may have been just closer than others, but to outsiders, especially those at the time, you two appeared to be a couple." Li Changhe tried to maintain a normal tone, "If rumors had started, whether it was you or the teacher, you would at most be pointed and talked about. There's no way it would go this far."

"That's right... it was the rumors that killed her." The female voice somewhat subdued, then grew colder, "It's all because of them!"

"Haven't I made it clear?" Li Changhe said solemnly, "If it were just being seen by others, it would only result in pointing and gossiping. Rumors are just rumors, if you're not guilty, they'll eventually die down. So, what role did you play in this? Why would a serious and strong person commit suicide?"

The room quieted. Li Changhe and Earth Knight were delighted, there was hope!

After a quiet ten seconds, Li Changhe said, "The girl who just passed through Earth Knight should be what you looked like at the time, right? Beautiful."

Earth Knight was stunned, thinking if it was still time to flatter. Li Changhe seemed to find his confusion amusing, looked at him and said, "Actually, in school, the better the posture of a girl, the more hidden hostility she will encounter."

This wasn't Li Changhe's fabrication. Xiao Nan was the class flower in junior high.

On the surface, all the girls in the class liked her and respected her. But in the shadows, there were quite a few people who resented her. There were many reasons: the boys who secretly liked Xiao Nan, the handsome boys from other classes who confessed to her, and the like. Even doing well in school could be used against her.

Jealousy, resentment, malice.

Li Changhe told Xiao Nan at the time, bearing such heavy emotional responsibility at a young age... would grow up to be great!

Only to be met with three punches from Xiao Nan.

Fortunately, there hadn't been any bullying incidents...

Of course, that had to do with Li Changhe secretly deflating the tires of the girls' cars.

There was a rich girl who was planning to make trouble for Xiao Nan with her girlfriends, and found her car tires in the trash when they left the school gate.

Li Changhe, who was about to go to the car repair shop, hid the jack.jar in the corner, unknown to all.

Compared to the open and secret struggles in the orphanage, these girls seemed somewhat childish. Unable to even hide their hostility, Li Changhe found them one by one, removing all of their car tires!

As a result, Xiao Nan was still known as the 'Tire Killer' by her middle school classmates. Those who wanted to target her didn't even manage to save their tires...

"Tsk, if it's discovered now that it was me, I guess I'd have to compensate a few million?" Li Changhe's mind wandered, while on the surface he analyzed, "From the conversation of those girls in the second act, it can be seen that your relationship wasn't as good as you might think."

The ghost didn't respond, as if it fell silent.

"What does that have to do with the teacher's suicide?" Earth Knight hurriedly followed up, "If she was bullied and ostracized, it doesn't mean the teacher should kill herself, right?"

"Heh." Li Changhe scoffed, "But she had no self-awareness, thinking that those classmates could be trusted. She told those girls about her relationship with the teacher... did she want to show off? Or seek their blessings?"

Earth Knight was stunned, recalling the voices he heard during the second act.

"I've always hated her...finally found an opportunity."


"She actually believed?"

"Yes... I told them." The ghost's voice echoed faintly, "I used to believe in them so much..."

There was a sob in the voice.

Not everyone has a friend who can help them discern the truth and deflate others' tires.

Just like this ghost, if she had such a friend at the time, perhaps the tragedy wouldn't have happened, right?

Loving the wrong person, trusting those who shouldn't be trusted.

These were the beginnings of all tragedies in the world. She had both... unlucky enough.

"There's no need to talk about what happened afterward." Li Changhe sighed, "After discovering the teacher's body, you also committed suicide in despair. But your unwillingness and anger turned you into a fearful ghost. You... used the power of the ghost to kill those... students who betrayed you."

"They deserved it... they promised me. They even swore not to tell. But they didn't face any consequences, still laughing and living their lives. In that case, I'll help them keep their oath!" The ghost's voice rang out again, and the entire room began to tremble.

"One more, one more and then I'll be able to rest and see the teacher." The hairs in the room swelled, "But she never appeared again! And I can't leave here. You, on the other hand, will become the carriers of my strength!"

The ghost cursed, like a child who had been robbed of candy. The desire for revenge held her back, unable to leave the old campus. It made her completely lose her mind, cursing wildly with her limited vocabulary. It was unclear whether she was cursing Li Changhe or the betrayers.

Li Changhe frowned slightly, thinking about it. The numbers didn't match. There were three students who committed suicide in this room, the first being the ghost herself. The other two were the traitors.

But there was one more... in the second act's scene, there were three girls.

One of the girls managed to escape by some means.

She also knew the ghost's thoughts. Since she was betrayed by people while alive, she didn't trust anyone anymore. Rather than letting [Players] promise to take revenge, she would rather use her possession or seizing abilities to avenge herself personally. In other words, it was a dead end from the beginning.