First lecture and new friends

It was only then, that Brian really had the leisure time to check out his room.

The room was fairly nice. A large bed, a side table, a few drawers, a large wardrobe, and a normal washroom.

"Pretty nice" He commented

Opening the wardrobe, he found a lot of clothes that were of his size. The clothes were better than the best quality he saw on earth.

He opened one of the drawers to find a simple watch present there. It was different from the usual designs but Brian didn't worry about it.

As soon as he wore the watch on his wrist a sci-fi screen appeared in front of his face. Brian tried to tough the screen and it actually worked.

It seemed like a scene totally out of a science fiction film.

Fiddling with the screen for some time, Brian got to know that this is a kind of mobile phone which acts as a communicator between the students and teachers. He saw just one name saved in his contact list which was of someone named Lord Abhigyaan.

He didn't dial the number without any context but fiddled some more with the watch. He did find a forum where all the seniors and juniors of the Veda Academy chatted. He also saw a trading section there which was for internal trading among the students.

Brian didn't have much time so he got ready and left for the Academy.

The Academy wasn't that far from him so he easily reached his class.

Brian saw a lot of creatures in the Academy and being the unknown one, he even got a lot of glances from them. He ignored all the comments and quietly found his classroom and sat on an empty seat.

The giant classroom was soon filled with almost 50 students.

Brian was sitting with nobody and nobody even tried to interact with him. He felt the situation strange but didn't worry about it.

Amidst the chattering of students, a ripple broke out on the stage built for the teacher.

A white slender hand came out of that ripple.

The entire class got silent…

The skin visible on that hand was flawless.

A slender lady wrapped up in a pure white saree revealed herself. She was wearing a spotless saree and was seated on a pure white lotus. The lade gave a feeling of perfect holiness to anyone looking at her.

She gave a faint smile on her face before starting to speak.

"Fellow students, Welcome to the Veda Academy.

I am Sarasvati, the wife of Lord Brahma as well as the head of the Rig-Ved classes.

Unfortunately, I am not here to teach you but just to welcome you all. Your classes will continue to be conducted by teacher Abhigyaan." Goddess Sarasvati spoke in an enchanting voice.

Brian along with many Creatures closed their eyes as if they had realized something.

Just the voice of Goddess Sarasvati was enough to make them get an answer to a lot of questions that troubled them. Such was the power of the head of Rid-Ved classes.

Sarasvati glanced around and found a lot of people closing their eyes while a few of them not being able to gain anything.

'This year's batch is quite strong' She inwardly guessed and her eyes suddenly felt on Brian.

Being a very high-level God, she could see something far beyond what even Lord Hanuman could see.

Her eyes seem to penetrate everything at that instant and she gazed at Brian, more specifically she saw her forehead.


'Such level of knowledge even before starting to learn at the Academy. Seems like this lad had his share of opportunities…'

'Wait a minute, what is that?'

Goddess Sarasvati's eyes widened as she directly opened a space ripple once again and disappeared within that.

Creatures started to open their eyes after half an hour was over.

All of them had a bright smile on their face as they thanked Goddess Sarasvati inwardly for the valuable knowledge she gave them.

Brian was the last one to open his eyes.

He also had a bright smile on his face and thanked Goddess Saraswati from the bottom of his heart.

When he moved his eyes, he found that a man had appeared on the stage and the Goddess had already disappeared. The teacher as well as all the students were looking at him intently for some reason.

He didn't have a very thick face so he felt embarrassed and didn't dare to meet everyone's eyes.


Brian heard a sound from behind and leaned towards the backside without making it obvious.

"I think you don't know but you should stand up at this moment and bow the teacher as the one giving knowledge to you" The same voice suggested

Brian didn't know if he was being trolled or if this was an actual tradition in the Academy but he didn't feel any harm in trying. He didn't care about being laughed at by his fellow classmates. He felt that to be a way of grabbing attention.

He stood up and bowed towards the teacher and sat down quietly.

"Seems like the new student was just recently informed about this custom." The teacher commented before continuing

"So let me introduce myself once again. I am your head teacher for Rig-Ved classes and my name is Abhigyaan.

This is technically your third day in Veda Academy and your first lecture so won't explain the basics. Those who don't know about them should check out the library once." Teacher Abhigyaan meaningfully looked at Abhigyaan

He was being told that even if he is a specially recruited student, he won't get any special treatments.

Brian didn't mind and nodded at the teacher.

"Your first lecture will be about 'Measurement'.

Each and every one of you come from a different Star that has a different way of measuring things and I don't want to delve into that.

Here on Genesis plane, we use a common way to measure things. The scale might seem large but don't forget that you are aiming to become Gods.

The term used to measure the distance, size, or length of anything is called a cosmo-metric scale.

It is difficult to explain so let me directly show you how much that is…" The teacher had started teaching

A flicked his hands and a white beam of light marked almost 1 kilometre of the stage.

"This much distance is called as 1 cosmic meter or 1 CM." He explained

Without waiting any further, he started explaining about various other topics like the measurement of your own world, types of Stars, Classification of energy, Creation of more than one Stars, having more than one Singularity, the existence of outer planes, and a lot more…

The lecture lasted for a few hours before the teacher dispersed the students. He recommended the students to read as much as they can in their free time which will help them in a lot of dire situations in future.

As soon as the class got dispersed, Brian also got up from his seat like others but first looked for the one who gave him the suggestion earlier.

But before he could even try to find someone, he was dragged by a minotaur into a small group of different creatures.

There were 8 people to be exact and the 9th one was Brian.

"I got the new guy everyone!" The minotaur proclaimed in front of the group.

Brian didn't fight back when he was dragged but he did not like that

"Hey Fasris, don't be rude to him dumbass. He is on our side" A male elf scolded the minotaur

"Hello fellow student, my name is Almar Zyldi. You must be the new specially recruited human everyone was speaking about right?" The male elf asked

"Hello Almar. My name is Brian and yes I believed I am the new specially recruited human you are talking about." Brian responded while having a slight guess at what was going on

"You must have already seen that the normally recruited people don't want to indulge with us specially recruited ones. They are jealous of our treatment.

This small group was formed to not make every specially recruited student get isolated due to their discrimination. There are a total of 13 specially recruited students, most of which are in this group while the rest choose to not join this group." Almar explained properly

Brian had also seen this discrimination and didn't mind being in the group so he simply nodded.

"Haha, brother Brian is quite easygoing" The minotaur Fasris laughed loudly while patting Brian's shoulder.

"Let us introduce ourselves to the new member guys?" Almar proposed

Everyone agreed and Fasris was the first one to go

"My name is Fasris Stormhilde, nice to meet you brother Brian" the minotaur thumped his chest

"I am Kalinda, a fox spirit. Nice to meet you Brian" A beautiful lady having a fox tail introduced

"I am Ufias, a giant as you can see" A giant said arrogantly

The other members also introduced themselves

Hatheus the giant brother of Ufias

Bhaftaaz the goblin

Tuker the arachnoid (spider human type race)

Gabriel the vampire

And lastly Janra the sphynx

They all added their contact information to chat later and Almar added Brian to their own little chat group as well as the class group before they all returned to their accommodation.