
The mocking smirk that once adorned Edna's lips faded away, replaced by a sharp glint of attentiveness that ignited in her gaze. At that moment, a flicker of worry ignited within me. Seeing her so focused was unsettling, and a voice in the back of my mind warned me not to press further.


Edna snarled, "Time won't even be of the essence to you when you'll be dying soon." She snatched the empty basket to her chest and strode towards the entrance.


Just before leaving the chamber, Edna paused, casting a disdainful gaze back at me. "I'll return shortly with your 'supper'," she taunted, the door slamming shut behind her.


I lingered in the room, a swirl of confusion clouding my thoughts. Questions tugged at me, demanding answers. Was Edna merely toying with me, pretending to be oblivious? If so, she played the part remarkably well. Despite Lord Fashire's insistence that I wasn't human, Edna had maintained the illusion, treating me as such.