The Disastrous Effect of One Taste II

Time stood still and it all seemed to shatter as Edna's face contorted into that of pure horror. Her nose wrinkled and she retched as if she was about to vomit. She jerked away from me and dry heaved, her eyes watering as she clawed at her throat, a hoarse sound emanating from her open mouth.

"Wa—wait!" I reached out to her, but she fled, desperation biting at her feet as she vanished from the hallway.

I looked at the door leading to Lord Fashire's chamber. Something wasn't adding up. Not just something, a few things. He ought to have been able to hear the commotion, why hadn't he come out? Second of all, my blood had been on Edna's palm before ingesting it, why didn't it burn her? I also didn't hear the same sizzling sound the way I did with Lord Fashire back in the other castle. The same thing also didn't happen when Edna had licked my blood, but there had been a reaction, and the sheer pain and terror I saw in her eyes was so immense it momentarily rattled me.