The Disastrous Effect of One Taste

Lord Fashire came in, the weary expression in his features catching me by surprise—a stark contrast to his usual and cold demeanour. My heart nearly collapsed in on itself the moment he sat at his desk and he stilled, turning to look at me as if just registering my presence.

I clutched the covers around me, my chest vibrating from my pumping heart as I kept eye contact with him. I eventually looked away, too weary to strain myself with his gaze, but the weary look he had disturbed me.

"Why did she attack you?" There was annoyance in his voice as he asked me such a foolish question, and that in turn caused a spark of anger to ignite within me.

My face slightly furrowed and I quietly gritted out, "Is my father alive?"

I do not know how but I could sense the way his eyes intensified to a sharp glare.