Home Sweet Home

"Didn't you want to see your father? That's what we're here for."

His words sounded muffled as my eardrums seemed to liquefy and thicken. The outskirts of my village went by through the window as the carriage slowed down, the horses' run breaking into a trot.

I could not hear it, but I was able to sense the whispers of the villagers loitering in front of their humble homes. Noticing our arrival, a lot of them stopped whatever they were doing until a legion of horrified stares stuck to the carriage. Mothers and fathers pulled their children to their bosom, most ushered them into the houses, and the elderly were frozen stiff, their weary eyes suddenly wide and sharp with the recollection of what they had been through in their younger years.

I had opened a closed wound by coming here with Lord Fashire.

None of them had noticed me yet, or so I had thought until a young boy flashed a finger directly at me, naïve joy highlighting his features.