

He was right. He was so right!

But how dare he?!

And so?!

I still didn't owe him anything and how dare he bring that up after what he has done? Did he think I'd fall to my feet like a stupid moron and thank him?!

I stormed away from the bath chamber, fuming and wanting to wrap my hands around someone's neck and wring them, specifically Fashire's. 

I shook my head. I did not have the time or effort to even spare to have him occupy my thoughts no matter how infuriating he might be. I went to his study again. It was a little dusty. I had cleaned the whole place and arranged it in the first month or two but it had been left unattended after I had collapsed.

I moved to a secluded corner and crouched down, making myself comfortable. Not entirely, but it was sufficient enough. Moments later, the hard floor felt too hard against my bum so I laid down and stretched myself on the floor.